Maternity Leave
Greetings, reader! I wanted to make a blog post detailing the specifics of my maternity leave for current supporters and passers-by to...
2019 Updates: Commission Changes & IRL Stuff
Hey everyone! I know I update my website's blog so infrequently, but I'm finally getting around to it. I wanted to make a post just to...
iPad Pro (12.9) Review!
As some of you may know, I gave up the Wacom Cintiq Companion (i5 processor) up and opted for an iPad Pro 12.9 for my off-of-desktop...
2018 So Far
I almost forgot about the blogging function of the site so I wanted to revisit this (not that I expect a ton of people to be tuning in to...
End of summer update!
I can't believe summer went by as fast as it did. My kid is starting kindergarten in September and I'm super excited yet anxious. It's...
Project Work & Limited Commissions
Early in May, I put myself out there on an H network on Discord for someone who was looking for an artist to do some CG work and...
Up to speed!
After almost a year of backlog, I can finally say that I'm up to speed with my work load! There are two commission items from six months...
Site Finalized (and other news)
After tinkering for a collective 4 hours on my site, I'm finally happy with how everything turned out. I'm very particular about...
Upgraded my art portal!
I pretty much took the leap to upgrade my art portal as soon as I saw Milkgrrl on Twitter post her commission page using Wix. It was such...